By: Andrew T
Board Model and Year: Burton Deuce 2010
Board Size: 156
Age: 15
Riding Style: Park
So i bought this board brand new because it was cheap… bad move i know its not a park board but neither was my 2008 morrow… i eventually had to go back to my old backup board just cause the Burton couldn’t handle much action… within the first few weeks i was riding again, i broke the tail, and it wasn’t because of SEVERE under-rotation, somehow i landed in a tail press doing front flips (which aren’t a problem for me) and now i have this lovely line of missing plastic (or whatever the 1st layer is made of) and butter bumps… also my board has edges that compress in when ever i catch on something, now i have three random bumps of wax on the bottom and edges that are compressed in and are un-useable now im stuck with an old board and my friend is having similar problems with a Burton park specific board ……… Thank you burton for letting me down.